Bailey Leger of Leger & Son, recognized as a Future Watermelon Farm Leader

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Congratulations to Bailey Leger of Leger & Son, for being recognized as a Future Watermelon Farm Leader.

Leger & Son proud to have Future Watermelon Farm Leader
By John Groh, publisher
Click here to see the original article in The Produce News

For the past six years, the National Watermelon Association has recognized promising members of the next generation in the watermelon industry at its annual convention through its Future Watermelon Farm Leaders award program.

This year, Bailey Leger of Leger & Son was among the recipients named to Class VII of the program.

“Bailey excels in everything she does because she is dedicated and diligent,” said Jordan Carter, director of marketing at Cordele, GA-based Leger & Son.

Carter said that Leger, a third-generation member of the farming family and daughter of President Greg Leger, grew up in the farming operation, first helping out in the office and eventually in the fields and on the packingline. She then joined the company full-time following her 2020 graduation from the University of Georgia, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in agriculture.

“She is a jack-of-all trades,” said Carter. “She helps me with marketing, and also is involved with food safety and compliance, as well as financial operations. We just want to expose her to all aspects of the operation and the industry.”

The Future Watermelon Farm Leader program was implemented by former NWA Executive Director Bob Morrissey, who recognized the need to help foster and retain talent within the watermelon industry. The program recognizes the next generation of growers and packers who will lead the industry and the NWA into the future.

“I am very thankful to have been selected to participate in this program,” said Leger. “I am so eager to learn from all the great leaders that this industry is blessed to have.”

“I am so proud of Bailey, she deserves to be recognized as a leader in the industry,” said Carter. “Her future is bright, and I look forward to watching her career growth.”

About Leger & Son, Inc.

Leger & Son 120 Seedling Drive Cordele, GA 31015
3 generations of growing the freshest watermelon and still going strong. The people at Leger & Son take pride in our work and in our traditions.


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