Team Member Spotlight- Eli Tinsley

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Eli TinsleyHometown:
Homerville, Ga --- Clinch County

Tell us a little bit about your family:

Those close to me know I'm compassionate about my family and my Planters Bank team. The older I get, I tend to show that side more and more. My son, William came into the world 4 years ago with tremendous concerns after having a stroke in utero. Thanks to the power of prayers, God healed the damage. My daughter, Julia came 2 years later. Julia is the typical daddy’s girl and William is mama’s boy. My wife and I are blessed more than we deserve.

Tell us a little about yourself:

Wow, I’m a simple guy at heart. I got married at 39 to Julie Rogers. I'm the oldest Daddy at the T-Ball games! I'm sure Julie would agree it was best decision we've ever made to have two children, William, 4, and Julia, 2. They truly light up our lives each and every day.

What do you like most about your job?

Getting to listen to a client's needs and helping them develop a plan of action. My role is a small part in the process. Seeing their smiles at the closing table still gives me a great sense of pride.

Click here to read full Team Member Spotlight (PDF)


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