Deepfake: AI-Powered Fraud

You’ve probably heard the phrase: “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.” Now more than ever, it is crucial to question the authenticity of what we see and hear online. Staying Vigilant Against AI-Powered Fraud Staying vigilant against AI-powered fraud requires a combination of best practices, including education, authentication, and monitoring. Individuals must be aware of the risks and techniques scammers use to avoid falling prey to their deception. As a simple...

Staying Safe in a Cyber World

Between the recent Yahoo, Facebook, Neopets, and LinkedIn data breaches, close to four billion consumers have had their personal information stolen. While the size of these digital heists is unprecedented, they’re nothing new for modern consumers. Since the early 90s, criminals have been stealing online customer data, leveraging credit cards or social security info for billions in ill-gotten gain. And, of course, the banking industry is no stranger to these attacks. At Planters First...

Corporate Account Takeover

A type of internet risk is Corporate Account Takeover Corporate Account Takeover is an ongoing electronic crime typically involving the exploitation of businesses. Businesses that are more at risk are those with limited to no computer safeguards and minimal or no disbursement controls for use with their bank's online business banking system. These businesses are vulnerable to theft when cyber thieves gain access to their computer system to take confidential banking information in order to...

"Help Wanted" or "Money Mules" SCAMS

Criminals don't like getting caught. So, when they want to send and receive stolen money, they get someone else to do the dirty work. Some scammers develop online relationships and ask their new sweetheart or friend to accept a deposit and transfer funds for them. Other cons recruit victims with job ads that seem like they're for legit jobs, but they're not. Law enforcement calls the victims 'money mules.' If you get involved with one of these schemes, you could lose money and personal...

Best Practices for Internet Users

Passwords Use strong passwords – Passwords should be complex, use long phrases and a mixture of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Keep passwords a secret and safe – Do not share passwords with anyone. Keep them in a secure place if written down. Change passwords frequently. Use different passwords for different accounts; never use the same password for business and personal accounts Electronic Devices and Software Keep software...

Planters First Bank Celebrates National Consumer Protection Week

Planters First Bank has information for you during National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) — March 5 - 11, 2023 — and any time of the year. NCPW is a time when government agencies, consumer protection groups, and organizations like ours work together to share information about consumer rights and help people learn to spot, report, and avoid scams. Looking to protect yourself from fraud, identity theft, and scams? Wondering about the best way to improve your credit, shop for a used...

Data Privacy Week

Planters First Bank announced its commitment to Data Privacy Week by registering as a Champion. As a Champion, Planters First Bank recognizes and supports the principle that all organizations share the responsibility of being conscientious stewards of personal information. Data Privacy Week is an expanded effort from Data Privacy Day -- taking place annually from January 24 - 28 -- that generates awareness about the importance of privacy, highlights easy ways to protect personal...

Remain cautious! Beware of Coronavirus (COVID-19) related scams & Census Bureau scams.

A compilation of tips and recommendations from Planters First Bank and its partners on ways to stay safe online, as well as how to avoid cyber threats and scams during this pandemic. Avoiding Cyber Threats and Scams: FTC: Coronavirus: Scammers follow the headlines FTC & FDA: Tips for Avoiding Coronavirus Scams FTC & FDA: Coronavirus Scams, Part 2 FTC: Beware of Census 2020 Scams! ESET: Beware Scams Exploiting Coronavirus Fears Security Tips for Remote Workers:...

CyberSecurity 101 – A crash course for protecting you and your data.

It can be a bit overwhelming to understand all of the terms you’ll hear tossed about regarding cybersecurity. Just a few include malware, ransomware, phishing, worm, and many more. So while we can’t explain all things cybersecurity in this article, our goal here is to give you an overview of many of the more common terms. Malware – This includes viruses, worms, and Trojan Horses. These are software programs that infect your machine and carry malicious codes to destroy the data on...